When to sound the alarm, pollution – physiological and pathological

Pollution is spontaneous ejaculation, usually occurring with the onset of puberty. It is a natural manifestation of sexuality and indicates the readiness of the male body to fertilize the egg. When ejaculation occurs at a mature age, causing discomfort, men wonder if everything is all right with them.

When does pollution occur?

The word “pollution” comes from the Latin word pollution, which means to dirty, to defile. Ejaculation is spontaneous, not caused by sexual intimacy or masturbation.

As with normal ejaculation, the erection begins with sexual arousal, which leads to orgasm, but is not controlled by the person. They occur more often at night while sleeping, or during the day due to sexual overexcitement.

According to medical research, 83% of men of all ages engage in nocturnal orgasms. Usually occur in young men under 20 years of age, and by the age of 30 years pass.


Mostly nocturnal orgasms occur in young men and indicate puberty. By the beginning of regular sexual activity, they go away, but may return in the long absence of sexual discharge. It begins in boys when they are about 12 years old. At this time, the production of male hormones intensifies, boys begin to show interest in the opposite sex, there are dreams and fantasies of an erotic nature. These excitatory factors lead to uncontrolled ejaculation.

But the menses are not only natural and in young men. Sometimes they are caused by pathologies and diseases of the male genital sphere. Such manifestations are often accompanied by discomfort, painful sensations in the pelvic organs, lethargy and malaise.

Causes of painful symptoms:

  • Neuroses.
  • Severe excitability.
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs
  • Diseases of the prostate gland
  • Congestion in the pelvic organs.
  • Low threshold of excitability.

Types of pollution

The emergence of pollution coincides with the beginning of sexual changes in a boy’s body. The body begins to acquire a male form, muscle mass becomes larger, the voice breaks down, and secondary sexual characteristics appear – male-type hairiness. Spontaneous ejaculation can be conventionally divided into types according to several characteristics.

According to the timing of occurrence:

  1. Early. Started before the age of 12 years. Occur because of insufficient physical activity. Energy accumulates, emotional tension increases. The result is uncontrollable ejaculation.
  2. Timely. They begin with the maturation of the sexual system of the boy, at the age of 13-16 years. By this time the psyche of the teenager is already ready for such sexual displays.
  3. Late. Occurs after the age of 16. It can happen because of delayed sexual development. The causes are various, it is stress, depression, overweight, and sometimes genetics.

Fat cells can accumulate the female sex hormone estrogen, so obesity affects the hormonal background of the boy. Causes a delay in the development of the sexual system, forms a figure on the female type – narrow shoulders, large butt, hips, a full stomach and breasts similar to a woman’s (gynecomastia).

By time of day:

Daytime. This type is caused by arousal that is provoked by vibrations during a ride in transportation, active physical activity, the proximity of the object of desire or a sexy woman in revealing clothing, sexual fantasies, sexual arousal due to prolonged abstinence, rubbing underwear or clothing.
Nocturnal. Medics call this manifestation the “pollution dream.” It is characteristic of adolescents, but can also manifest itself in a sexually mature man, with a long period of abstinence. It can be the result of overeating at night. Overfilled bowels put pressure on the prostate gland, which in turn provokes ejaculation. Usually, nocturnal pollution is accompanied by vivid erotic dreams, the man comes into an excited state, and after the orgasm abruptly interrupts the fantasy.

The physiological number of half-lusts in a teenager is 1-2 times a week, and in an adult man – 1-2 times a month. This phenomenon passes with the beginning of a regular sexual life.

According to the cause of occurrence:

  1. Physiological. Daytime and nighttime pollution, occurring for natural reasons (from sexual excitement), do not cause discomfort and go away on their own or with minor medical adjustments.
  2. Pathological. This type occurs due to various physiological and psychological problems.

Pathological pollution

This type of ejaculation causes negative feelings in a man and causes physical and psychological harm. It can happen every night or day, perhaps several times. It is often accompanied by painful sensations, burning, itching.

Involuntary, regular ejaculation without sexual contact and arousal, occurs due to diseases:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. In such a disease, spontaneous ejaculation may be accompanied by aching pain in the groin area, as well as the anus. The accompanying effect is difficult urination, frequent nighttime urges to the toilet.
  2. Vesiculitis. Infectious inflammations of the genitals. Manifested in frequent painful erections, increased excitability, pain in the groin and sacrum. Urination is frequent and painful, and in the urine and semen admixture of blood and pus.
  3. Cystitis or urethritis. Urination is accompanied by a burning sensation that persists after the process is completed. The urine includes traces of pus, blood, and light protein threads, or fibrin.
  4. Colliculitis. Inflammatory processes in the seminal tubercle. Appear as a sensation of a foreign body in the perineum. Possible shootings, extending to the inner thighs. There are flecks of blood in the urine, the stream of urine becomes thin. Ejaculation may be painful and bloody. Possible pain on defecation.
  5. Deferentitis. Infectious disease of the vas deferens, may manifest as inflammation of the testicle. It swells, hurts, and has a high body temperature.
  6. Neurasthenia. Psychological signs of this disease: high fatigue, irritable state, problem concentrating on one thing or subject.

Untreated inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs can lead to chronic nerve irritation and neuritis, as well as depletion of the ejaculation center located in the spinal cord and impotence.

Spontaneous ejaculations (without inflammation) can provoke:

  • Tumors;
  • Traumas of the brain or spinal cord;
  • Constipation and a buildup of feces in the intestine that presses on the nerve endings;
  • colitis, hemorrhoids.

Some men are characterized by reactions in the form of pollution to unexpected or extreme circumstances. Emotional upheaval, strong vibrations, being at high altitude, tickling the nerves, etc. Such a reaction can be a sign of neurosis, as it provokes a decrease in the threshold of arousal.

How to stop physiological pollution

Physiological types of intercourse are natural and do not cause harm to health, if their number does not exceed normal limits. The problem is solved by regular sexual intercourse or periodic masturbation.

There are times when you need to avoid ejaculation – on the eve of a spermogram for example. To do this, you can use one of the methods:

  1. Consumption of a light sedative.
  2. Variants of energy sublimation – vigorous physical activity.
  3. Try not to drink a lot of liquid before going to bed to avoid bladder pressure.
  4. Wear loose-fitting underwear for sleeping.


Phenomena such as impulses of non-physiological nature: very frequent, not only at night, but also in the daytime, painful – a reason to see a doctor in the near future. It is necessary to make an examination and establish the cause of such phenomena.

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